Volume 22 Issue 2

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Antioxidant relevance to human health

Author : ML Wahlqvist
Keyword : oxidants, uric acid, toxicity, supplements, pleiotropic functions
Content : Human ecology requires both oxygen and water with the generation from food of an immediate energy source, ATP, by oxidative phosphorylation. A continuing balance between oxidation and antioxidation is necessary for longer less-disabled lives, taking account of oxidative stresses and the critical roles of oxidants in defence against infection, tissue repair and signalling.

Plasma adiponectin concentrations are associated with dietary glycemic index in Malaysian patients with type 2 diabetes

Author : BI Loh, DR Sathyasurya, HJJ Mohamed
Keyword : dietary glycemic index, adiponectin, type 2 diabetes, food frequency questionnaire, linear regression
Content : Adiponectin, an adipocyte-derived hormone has been implicated in the control of blood glucose and chronic inflammation in type 2 diabetes. However, limited studies have evaluated dietary factors on plasma adiponectin levels, especially among type 2 diabetic patients in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of dietary glycemic index on plasma adiponectin concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Attenuated associations between increasing BMI and unfavorable lipid profiles in Chinese Buddhist vegetarians

Author : HJ Zhang, P Han, SY Sun, LY Wang, B Yan, JH Zhang, W Zhang, SY Yang, XJ Li
Keyword : vegetarian diet, BMI, lipid, lipoprotein, Chinese
Content : Obesity is related to hyperlipidemia and risk of cardiovascular disease. Health benefits of vegetarian diets have well-documented in the Western countries where both obesity and hyperlipidemia were prevalent. We studied the association between BMI and various lipid/lipoprotein measures, as well as between BMI and predicted coronary heart disease probability in lean, low risk populations in Southern China.

Hair mineral analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry: associations with body fat

Author : K Uetake, T Tanaka
Keyword : body fat percentage, hair mineral content, Japanese, prediction equations, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
Content : Hair mineral analysis using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer as a method of estimating body fat percentage (BF%) was investigated. Body fat percentage of 24 healthy Japanese, aged 20-27 years, was measured using a hand-held impedance analyzer (BF%IMP). X-ray (Kα-ray) intensities of sulfur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, titanium, and iron (Fe) in hair were measured using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.

Japanese mothers’ breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes assessed by the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitudes Scale

Author : M Inoue, CW Binns, Y Katsuki, M Ouchi
Keyword : infant feeding practices, Iowa Infant Feeding Attitudes Scale, breastfeeding duration, perinatal education, Japanese mothers
Content : This study describes Japanese mothers’ knowledge and attitudes towards breastfeeding using the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitudes Scale (IIFAS). A cross-sectional survey of 1,612 mothers was conducted in Japan in 2007. The participants were recruited at the free health checks conducted for infants at 18 months of age.

Attitudes towards breastfeeding – the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale in Chinese mothers living in China and Australia

Author : S Chen, CW Binns, Y Liu, B Maycock, Y Zhao, L Tang
Keyword : breastfeeding, Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale, attitudes, infant feeding, migrants
Content : This study aimed to translate and validate a Chinese (simplified) version of the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) and compare the infant feeding attitudes of Chinese mothers living in Perth Australia and in Chengdu P.R. China. A survey was undertaken on 200 Chinese mothers living in Perth and 1620 mothers living in Chengdu.

Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in low birth weight infants at NICU discharge and the start of complementary feeding

Author : K Mamemoto, M Kubota, A Nagai, Y Takahashi, T Kamamoto, H Minowa, H Yasuhara
Keyword : breastfeeding, low birth weight infants, NICU, interview, complementary feeding
Content : The aim of the present study was to clarify clinical factors in low birth weight infants and their mothers associated with exclusive breastfeeding at both neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) discharge and the start of complementary feeding. One hundred and fifteen low birth weight children and 98 mothers attending the follow-up clinic of two tertiary NICUs in Nara prefecture (Japan), between June and September, 2011, were enrolled.

The fatty acid composition of colostrum in three geographic regions of China

Author : YX Gao, J Zhang, C Wang, L Li, Q Man, P Song, L Meng, Ø Lie, L Frøyland
Keyword : human colostrum, fatty acids, marine fish, rapeseed oil, docosahexaenoic acid
Content : Purpose: To describe the fatty acid composition of human colostrum in three different regions of China. Methods: Women were recruited from river/lake, coastal and inland regions of China during late pregnancy. Their diet frequency was assessed during the 34th week of pregnancy. Colostrum samples were collected between post-partum days 3 and 5.

The influence of primary caregivers on body size and self-body image of preschool children in Taiwan

Author : Y Wong, YJ Chang, CJ Lin
Keyword : preschool children, body image, body size, caregivers, satisfaction of body size
Content : OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate preschool children’s body size and image, and analyze the impact of the primary caregiver on a child’s body size and awareness in Taiwan. METHODS: In a cross-sectional survey, 699 preschool children and their primary caregivers participated in this study. Our study used ananonymous self-administered questionnaire, which was divided into parts A and part B.

Vitamin D deficiency awareness among African migrant women residing in high-rise public housing in Melbourne, Australia: a qualitative study

Author : A Pirrone, T Capetola, E Riggs, A Renzaho
Keyword : vitamin D deficiency, migrant, women’s health, public housing, health promotion
Content : The aims of this study were: 1) to explore the individual perceptions, experience and understandings of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) amongst African migrant women residing in high-rise public housing, 2) to identify the most useful sources of information about VDD among this population, and 3) to document the barriers and enablers to addressing VDD. The Health Belief Model was used to guide the study.

Dietary exposure to essential and potentially toxic elements for the population of Hanoi, Vietnam

Author : H Marcussen, BH Jensen, A Petersen, PE Holm
Keyword : essential elements, toxic elements, dietary intake, diet survey, Hanoi
Content : Knowledge of the dietary intake of essential and toxic elements in fast-developing Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam is limited. Iron and Zn deficiency in Asia is a well-known problem and is partly due to rice constituting a major part of the diet. Dietary habits are changing and there is a need to build more knowledge so authorities can give dietary recommendations.

Development and validity assessment of a diet quality index for Australians

Author : R Zarrin, TI Ibiebele, GC Marks
Keyword : diet quality index, construct validity, criterion validity, cancer mortality, dietary assessment
Content : Existing Australian diet quality indices have assumed links to health outcomes but their validity for this has not been reported. We extend the features of existing indices for Australian adults by constructing a new diet quality index (Aussie-DQI) using the national dietary guidelines linked to the Australia National Health Priority Areas. Construct validity was assessed using 24 hour dietary recalls from the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (n=10,851 adults aged 19 years and older).

Dental caries is correlated with knowledge of comprehensive food education in Japanese university students

Author : D Ekuni, T Tomofuji, S Mizutani, M Furuta, K Irie, T Azuma, A Kojima, Y Iwasaki, M Morita
Keyword : food education, dental caries, university students, cross-sectional studies, behavioral science
Content : In Japan, the "Food Education Basic Law" (The Basic Law on Shokuiku, food education) was enacted in 2005. The comprehensive food education programs, namely Shokuiku, aim to improve dietary practices to reduce lifestyle-related diseases. Dental caries is one of the diseases associated with inappropriate dietary habits. Thus, food education may influence the prevalence of dental caries.

Estimation of usual intake and food sources of choline and betaine in New Zealand reproductive age women

Author : VL Mygind, SE Evans, MC Peddie, JC Miller, LA Houghton
Keyword : choline, betaine, reproductive age women, usual intakes, major food contributors
Content : Recently, choline has been associated with neurodevelopment, cognitive function and neural tube defect incidence. However, data on usual intakes are limited, and estimates of dietary intakes of choline and its metabolite betaine, are not available for New Zealanders. The objective of the present study was to determine usual intake and food sources of choline and betaine in a group of New Zealand reproductive age women.

Development of an amino acid composition database and estimation of amino acid intake in Japanese adults

Author : H Suga, K Murakami, S Sasaki
Keyword : food composition table, amino acid, dietary intake, Japanese adults, diet records
Content : Investigations of the association between an individual’s habitual amino acid intake and several types of health outcome require a comprehensive amino acid composition database. The lack of a database of the amino acidcontent of foods routinely consumed makes estimating daily amino acid intake difficult. The aim of this study was to develop an amino acid database for use in epidemiological studies, and to estimate amino acid intake among a Japanese population.

Can’t we just let them eat? Defining and addressing under-use of the oral route in a post-surgical ward

Author : S Conchin, R Muirhead, S Ferrie, S Carey
Keyword : gynecological surgery, ileus, nutritional support, parenteral nutrition, urological surgery
Content : Early postoperative nutrition improves outcomes. However, postoperative fasting is a tradition that persists in some areas of surgical practice. This retrospective audit was performed to benchmark current nutrition support practices on a mixed specialty surgical ward in a large tertiary-referral teaching hospital. Thirty-eight consecutive patients, who were undergoing gynaecological or urological surgical procedures between November 2010 and May 2011, had data collected including demographics, nutritional status, details of surgery performed, postoperative complications, modes of nutrition support and time taken to progress to solid oral diet.

NutritionDay 2010 audit in Jinling hospital of China

Author : L Zhang, X Wang, Y Huang, Y Gao, N Peng, W Zhu, N Li, J Li
Keyword : nutritionDay, malnutrition, food intake, length of hospital stay, nutrition support
Content : Background: NutritionDay is an annual worldwide cross-sectional multicentre audit. This report aimed to describe the results of nutritionDay 2010 in Jinling hospital, providing a map of the prevalence of malnutrition and actual nutrition therapy practice in different units. The risk factors to malnutrition and length of hospital stay were also investigated.

Effects of egg and vitamin A supplementation on hemoglobin, retinol status and physical growth levels of primary and middle school students in Chongqing, China

Author : J Cao, X Wei, X Tang, H Jiang, Z Fan, Q Yu, J Chen, Y Liu, T Li
Keyword : egg, vitamin A, supplementation, effects, students
Content : Lack of protein and vitamin A influences the growth of student in impoverished mountain areas. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of egg and vitamin A supplementation on hemoglobin, serum retinol and anthropometric indices of 10-18 years old students of a low socioeconomic status. A total number of 288 students from four boarding schools were randomly selected by using cluster sampling method in Chongqing, and they were assigned into supplement group and control group non-randomly.

enteral nutrition, feeding protocol, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, older patients, swallowing difficult

Author : R Sapbamrer, N Visavarungroj, M Suttajit
Keyword : isoflavone, estradiol, lipids, glucose, postmenopausal women
Content : Isoflavone in soybean and its products have numerous beneficial health effects. A number of clinical studies have demonstrated that dietary soy isoflavone can relieve menopausal symptoms, lower risks of breast cancer, and lower cholesterol and glucose. Among the various effects of isoflavone, the role of cholesterol and glucose reduction seems to be well documented; however, other effects such as reproductive hormones were inconclusive and inconsistent.

The application of a feeding protocol in older patients fed through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes by the intermittent or bolus methods: a single-center, retrospective chart review

Author : S Ichimaru, T Amagai, Y Shiro
Keyword : enteral nutrition, feeding protocol, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, older patients, swallowing difficult
Content : Background: While previous studies have reported that feeding protocols improved clinical outcomes in critical care settings, the evidence supporting the application of feeding protocols in older patients has not yet been assessed. Here, we evaluated the effects of a feeding protocol in older patients fed through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 109 patients aged ≥65 who underwent PEG placement between April 2010 and March 2012 at a single acute care hospital.

Effectiveness of strategies for recruiting overweight and obese Generation Y women to a clinical weight management trial

Author : HJ Griffin, HT O'Connor, KB Rooney, KS Steinbeck
Keyword : weight, Generation Y, women, recruitment, intervention
Content : Aim: Limited research in young overweight and obese women indicates that they are difficult to recruit to weight management trials, with attrition higher and weight loss success lower than middle to older age participants. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of different recruitment strategies for a clinical weight loss trial in overweight and obese Generation Y women.
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