Volume 27 Issue 6

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Tackling undernutrition in the Asian healthcare setting: a Southeast Asian expert consensus

Author : Regional Nutrition Working Group (RNWG): DHL Ng, A Albay Jr, STH Chew, C Glencorse, JF Inciong, NVQ Thu et al
Keyword : undernutrition, Southeast Asia, consensus, ONS, nutrition care
Content : Background and Objectives: Malnutrition is under-recognized and under-treated in Asia due to resource constraints, lack of awareness and knowledge among healthcare professionals and patients, and lack of standardized procedures for malnutrition management. While international guidelines for the management of malnutrition are available, they may not be easily applicable to the patient population and healthcare settings within Southeast Asia. This paper provides consensus recommendations, developed by the Regional Nutrition Working Group, to foster evidence-based nutritional care in Southeast Asia to improve patient outcomes.

Acute effect of soy and soy products on serum uric acid concentration among healthy Chinese men

Author : M Zhang, L Lin, H Liu
Keyword : soy, soy products, uric acid
Content : Background and Objectives: Soy products are essential to the daily life of the Chinese population. However, the association between soy products and serum uric acid remains unclear. Better understanding of their relationship could provide food choice information for patients with gout. This study assessed the acute effects of soy and soy products on serum uric acid. Methods and Study Design: Sixty healthy adult male volunteers were recruited and randomly assigned to six groups.

Effect of a cereal and milk meal with or without fruits and nuts on the postprandial glycemic response in Indian men

Author : S Bandyopadhyay, S Sinha, S Selvam, AV Kurpad, R Kuriyan
Keyword : glycemic response, cereal, breakfast, satiety, Indian men
Content : Background and Objectives: Some cereals, consumed at breakfast, have shown lower glycemic responses. Limited data exist in the Indian context, where the effect could be modified due to genetic or racial differences. This study aimed to investigate the effect of cereal and milk, with or without fruits/nuts, on the glycemic response in healthy Indian men.

Oral administration of probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota relieves pain after single rib fracture: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Author : M Lei, C Guo, Y Wang, L Hua, S Xue, D Yu, C Zhang, D Wang
Keyword : probiotics, Lactobacillus casei Shirota, single rib fracture, pain, sustained maximal inspiration lung volume
Content : Background and Objectives: Probiotic treatment has proven to increase the density of bone mass, prevent against bone loss, and improve bone formation. We aimed to assess the effect of oral administration of the probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) on pain relief in patients with single rib fracture. Methods and Study Design: A total of 283 eligible patients who had a single rib fracture were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive skimmed milk containing either a commercial probiotic LcS or placebo every day through oral administration for 1 month after the fracture.

The association between blood concentration of 25- hydroxyvitamin D and sarcopenia: a meta-analysis

Author : J Luo, Z Quan, S Lin, L Cui
Keyword : sarcopenia, vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, muscle mass, meta-analysis
Content : Background and Objectives: Associations between blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration and sarcopenia remain controversial; thus, this meta-analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between blood 25(OH)D concentration and sarcopenia. Design: We searched the PubMed and EMBASE databases for relevant published observational studies that investigated blood 25(OH)D concentration and sarcopenia up to June 2017.

Association between vitamin C intake and risk of hyperuricemia in US adults

Author : Y Sun, J Sun, J Wang, T Gao, H Zhang, A Ma
Keyword : vitamin C, hyperuricemia, uric acid, cross-sectional study, dietary intake
Content : Background and Objectives: The relationship between vitamin C intake and hyperuricemia among the general US adult population has seldom been reported; thus, the present study examined the associations of total vitamin C (dietary vitamin C plus supplementary vitamin C) and dietary vitamin C intake with the risk of hyperuricemia. Methods and Study Design: Pooled data from three 2-year cycles (2007–2012) of the cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were used in the present study. Dietary intake data were extracted from two 24-hour dietary recall interviews.

Soy product and isoflavone intake associations with allergic diseases in Japanese workers: rhinitis, dermatitis and asthma

Author : M Nakamoto, E Shuto, A Nakamoto, A Hata, N Aki, Y Shikama et al
Keyword : allergic diseases, soy products, soy isoflavones, Japanese workers, cross-sectional study
Content : Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the associations of intake of soy products and isoflavones with allergic diseases. Methods and Study Design: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 1437 participants (aged 20-64 years) who were living in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan during the period 2010– 2011. We obtained anthropometric data and information on life style characteristics including dietary intake and current medical histories of allergic diseases using a structural self-administered questionnaire.

The association between lifestyle and maternal vitamin D during pregnancy in West Sumatra, Indonesia

Author : AS Aji, E Yerizel, Desmawati, NI Lipoeto
Keyword : 25-hydroxyvitamin D, pregnancy, lifestyle, vitamin D level, West Sumatra
Content : Background and Objectives: An adequate level of maternal vitamin D is essential for maternal and fetal health during pregnancy. We examined the relationship between lifestyle, maternal vitamin D intake and the vitamin D status of pregnant women. Methods and Study designs: The sample of the cross-sectional study was 203 third trimester pregnant women in September-November 2016 in four different districts of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Questionnaire was used to assess lifestyles, dietary intake, anthropometry, maternal characteristics, demography and socioeconomic data.

Longitudinal study of breastfeeding and growth in 0-6 month infants

Author : N Jia, G Gu, L Zhao, S He, F Xiong, Y Chai, L Quan, H Hou, Y Dai
Keyword : exclusive breastfeeding, mixed feeding, infant growth, human milk composition, longitudinal study
Content : Background and Objectives: To explore advantages and challenges for exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), compared to non-exclusive breastfeeding (nEBF). Methods and Study Design: Mothers from 7 cities in China were visited at 3, 10, 60, 120, and 180 days postpartum. Data about feeding practices, infant growth, and the macronutrient contents of human milk (HM) were collected. Results: 130 lactating mothers attended 5 visits. 59 mothers (45.4%) exclusively breastfed infants for 0-4 month.

Weight status and food habits of preschool children in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: NOPLAS project

Author : M Garemo, A Elamin, A Gardner
Keyword : nutrition, dietary habits, United Arab Emirates, preschool children
Content : Background and Objectives: Eating habits established during childhood affect health in later life. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a high prevalence of obesity in adolescents and adults; however, data on the health of preschool children are scarce. This study assessed the weight status and dietary habits of Emirati and non-Emirati children attending nurseries in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The relationship between dietary inflammatory index (DII) and muscle mass and strength in Chinese children aged 6-9 years

Author : WK Amakye, Z Zhang, Y Wei, N Shivappa, JR Hebert, J Wang, Y Su, L Mao
Keyword : dietary inflammatory index, skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength, children, Guangzhou
Content : Background and Objectives: The dietary inflammatory index (DII®) is a measure of the overall inflammatory potential of a person’s diet. However, there have been no studies looking at the effect of DII on measures of muscle mass and strength. We aimed to examine the association between DII and skeletal muscle mass and strength in Chinese children. Methods and Study Design: A total of 466 children aged 6-9 years completed the study. Total body skeletal muscle mass (TSM), appendicular skeletal mass (ASM) and appendicular lean mass (ALM) were determined using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Malnutrition prevalence in adrenal insufficiency among hospitalized elderly patients: limitations of the body mass index in the assessment of malnutrition

Author : SY Lee, DH Lee, HJ Jeon
Keyword : malnutrition, nutritional status, nutritional assessment, adrenal insufficiency, elderly
Content : Background and Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate malnutrition prevalence and usefulness of the body mass index (BMI) in the assessment of malnutrition in hospitalized elderly patients with adrenal insufficiency (AI). Methods and Study Design: 318 hospitalized AI patients were diagnosed by a rapid ACTH stimulation test with a history of steroid treatment and compared with 374 control patients. Nutrition was assessed using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). Nutritional status was evaluated using the Mini Nutritional Assessment short form (MNA-SF) and BMI.

Dietary and nutrient status of children with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: a case-control study

Author : WJ Chou, MF Lee, ML Hou, LS Hsiao, MJ Lee, MC Chou, LJ Wang
Keyword : attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), diet, nutrition, calcium, grains
Content : Background and Objectives: Nutritional and dietary habits may affect children’s behaviors and learning. The etiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a common neurodevelopmental disorder in children, may be associated with unhealthy diets or nutrients deficiencies. The purpose of this study was to examine whether children with ADHD exhibited different dietary habits or nutrient profiles from healthy control subjects.

Association of dietary patterns and dietary diversity with cardiometabolic disease risk factors among adults in South Asia: The CARRS study

Author : D Kapoor, R Iqbal, K Singh, LM Jaacks, R Shivashankar, V Sudha et al
Keyword : principal component analysis, prudent diet, hypertension, diabetes, India, Pakistan
Content : Background and Objectives: To investigate the association of dietary patterns and dietary diversity with cardio-metabolic disease risk factors among South Asians. Methods and Study Design: In a population based study conducted in 2010-11, we recruited 16,287 adults aged >20 years residing in Delhi, Chennai, and Karachi. Diet was assessed using an interviewer-administered 26-item food frequency questionnaire. Principal component analysis identified three dietary patterns: Prudent, Indian, and Non-Vegetarian.

Dietary factors and risk of gout and hyperuricemia: a meta-analysis and systematic review

Author : R Li, K Yu, C Li
Keyword : gout, hyperuricemia, risk, nutrition, dietary factors
Content : Background and Objectives: To evaluate the associations of dietary factors and the risk of gout and hyperuricemia. Methods and Study Design: PubMed and Embase databases were searched from inception to June 2017 for eligible studies. Nineteen prospective cohort or cross-sectional studies with adequate sample sizes are included, all involving red meat, seafoods, alcohol, fructose, dairy products, soy foods, high-purine vegetables and coffee.

Availability and price of healthier food choices and association with obesity prevalence in New Zealand Māori

Author : R Jani, E Rush, N Crook, D Simmons
Keyword : fast-foods, supermarkets obesity, sugar-sweetened beverages, Māori
Content : Background and Objectives: Examine availability and price of healthier foods-vs-regular counterparts and their association with obesity. Methods and Study Design: A cross-sectional survey of weight and height among Māori in 2 urban and 96 rural areas in the Waikato/Lakes Districts-NZ (year 2004-06) was undertaken. Concurrently, availability of 11 ‘healthier’ food in fast-food-outlets was examined by location (urban vs rural) and median income (high-low). In supermarkets, five-specific ‘regular’ foods were scored against ‘healthier’ counterparts (white-vs-wholemeal bread, with-skin-vs-skinless chicken, regular-vs-trim meat, standard-vs-trim milk, sugar-sweetened-beverages vs-water) for in-store availability and price according to the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey.

Subclinical thyroid disease and single nucleotide polymorphisms in reproductive-age women in areas of Shanxi Province, China, where iodine exposure is excessive

Author : C Su, T Yu, R Zhao, Y Wang, H Jia, M Jing, P Liu
Keyword : iodine, subclinical thyroid disease, susceptible population, SNP, screening
Content : Background and Objectives: When iodine intake is in excess, a susceptible population that has a genetic predisposition will have an increased risk of hypothyroidism or autoimmune thyroiditis. This study evaluated the vulnerability to iodine excess and subclinical thyroid disease through screening of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in reproductive-age women to provide evidence to be used for the prevention of subclinical thyroid disease.

Association between “solute carrier family 30 member 8” (SLC30A8) gene polymorphism and susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chinese Han and minority populations: an updated meta-analysis

Author : Y Wang, L Duan, S Yu, X Liu, H Han, J Wang, W Li
Keyword : SLC30A8, polymorphism, T2DM, Chinese, meta-analysis
Content : Background and Objectives: In China, some studies have been reported that solute carrier family 30 member 8 (SLC30A8) gene polymorphism might increase the risk of T2DM, but some are not. The aim of this meta-analysis was to systematically investigate the association between the rs13266634 polymorphism of the SLC30A8 gene and T2DM in Chinese Han and ethnic minority populations. Methods and Study Design: All published electronic articles were retrieved from Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang database, VIP database and Google scholar. Pooled OR and 95% CI were calculated using random- or fixed-effects models.

Energy requirements for ICU burn patients in whom the total body surface area affected exceeds 50 percent: a practical equation

Author : LC Chan, MS Lee, YN Ou, HL Cheng, CH Wang
Keyword : burns, critical care, energy requirements, equations, ICU
Content : Background and Objectives: Energy requirement estimations are crucial for major burn patients’ nutrition management. To find a practical equation for patients with burns over >50% of their total body surface area (TBSA) in an intensive care unit (ICU). Methods and Study Design: We conducted a six-week follow-up study of 21 ICU burn patients aged 17-28 years (second- and third-degree burns, TBSA: 50-90%) who were prescribed enteral nutritional support. The energy consumption ratio (ECR) was calculated by dividing the actual energy intake by the estimated energy requirement.

The development of a whole-body potassium counter for the measurement of body cell mass in adult humans

Author : S Naqvi, KG Bhat, T Preston, S Devi, J Joseph, HS Sachdev, AV Kurpad, R Kuriyan
Keyword : whole-body potassium count, body composition, body cell mass, potassium, fat free mass
Content : Background and Objectives: Total body potassium (TBK), has a natural radioactive isotope, which can be measured to derive body cell mass (BCM), making it useful in clinical conditions, early growth and pregnancy. The objective was to build a whole-body potassium counter (WBKC), to accurately measure TBK in the body. Methods and Study Design: A WBKC was designed and constructed using a shadow shield. A cellular four compartment (4C) model of fat free mass (FFM), using estimates of TBK along with total body water (TBW), was compared with a molecular 4C model of the body in twenty healthy adults (10 men and 10 women).

A comparison of two malnutrition screening tools in acute medical inpatients and validation of a screening tool among adult Indigenous Australian patients

Author : NF Morris, S Stewart, MD Riley, GP Maguire
Keyword : Adult Nutrition Tool, Indigenous Australian patients, Malnutrition Screening Tool, Subjective Global Assessment, validation
Content : Background and Objectives: The objectives of this study were to identify and validate a screening tool to detect malnutrition among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian patients. Methods and Study Design: This study included medical patients admitted into three regional hospitals in Australia. A literature review was undertaken of current screening tools before the Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) and the newly developed Adult Nutrition Tool (ANT) were used to validate a screening tool for use among participants against the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) tool. The sensitivity and specificity of both the MST and ANT were determined for all study participants as well as according to participants’ Indigenous status.

Phosphate binders, appetite and nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis patients

Author : I Beberashvili, O Baskin, A Azar, A Katkov, L Feldman, O Gorelik, K Stav, S Efrati
Keyword : appetite, hemodialysis, lanthanum carbonate, malnutrition, sevelamer carbonate
Content : Background and Objectives: The potential side effects of common phosphate binders are gastrointestinal in practice. We hypothesized that regular use of phosphate binders may be associated with decreased appetite, dietary intake and consequently, poor nutritional status.

Nutrition support in hospitalized cancer patients with malnutrition in China

Author : Z Li, W Chen, H Li, B Zhao, Chinese Oncology Nutrition Survey Group
Keyword : cancer, hospital malnutrition, nutrition counselling, oral nutrition supplements, nutrition therapy
Content : Background and Objectives: Malnutrition has adverse impacts on survival of cancer patients. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of malnutrition, and the nutrition support status in hospitalized patients with cancer in China. Methods and Study Design: A multi-center, cross-sectional study was conducted in 29 tertiary public hospital wards in 14 Chinese cities. Malnutrition was defined as weight loss (WL) >5% over the past 6 months or body mass index (BMI) <20 kg/m2 with WL >2%. The nutrition risk index (NRI) and performance status (PS) were evaluated.

Peripherally inserted central catheter-related complications in infants with intestinal failure

Author : J Huang, Q Yu, J Wen, W Yan, L Lu, Y Tao, W Cai, Y Wang
Keyword : intestinal failure, PN, PICC, catheter-related complications, CRBSI
Content : Background and Objectives: For delivery of parenteral nutrition (PN), long-term central access is often required in infants with intestinal failure (IF). Compared to central venous catheters (CVCs), peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) are less invasive, as they are smaller, and they can even be placed without general anesthesia. In this study, we report the complications of long-term use of PICCs, and compare our results with previously published research.

Combined Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and body composition facilitates nutritional support in inflammatory bowel disease: an ambulatory study in Shanghai

Author : D Bian, Y Shi, Y Jiang, J Zhong, J Sun, Y Gu
Keyword : inflammatory bowel disease, body composition, FFMI, PG-SGA, dietary intake
Content : Background and Objectives: Malnutrition is commonly diagnosed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, only few clinical studies have adequately explored the importance of body composition in the nutritional assessment of Chinese patients with IBD. Methods and Study Design: A total of 78 IBD patients were enrolled, and Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) was used to assess malnutrition.
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