Late-night-dinner deteriorates postprandial glucose and insulin whereas consuming dinner dividedly ameliorates them in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized crossover clinical trial
▪ Author : S Imai, Y Saito, S Kajiyama, A Nitta, T Miyawaki, S Matsumoto, N Ozasa, S Kajiyama, Y Hashimoto, M Fukui
▪ Keyword : diet, postprandial glucose, insulin, dinner, meal timing, diabetes
▪ Content : Background and Objectives: The aims of this study is to explore the acute effect of consuming dinner at different timing on postprandial glucose and hormone in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods and Study Design: Eight patients (age 70.8±1.9 years, HbA1c 7.6±0.6 %, BMI 23.3±3.2, mean±SD) were randomly as-signed in this crossover study. Patients consumed the test meals of dinner at 18:00 on the first day, and din-ner at 21:00 or divided dinner (vegetable and rice at 18:00 and vegetable and the main dish at 21:00) on the second or third day. Postprandial glucose, insulin, glucagon, free fatty acid (FFA), active glucagon-like pep-tide-1 (GLP-1), and active glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) concentration after dinner were evaluated.