Adverse effect of switching only once low-carbohydrate diet to high-carbohydrate diet on postprandial glucose concentration in healthy women
▪ Author : Y Saito, S Kajiyama, T Miyawaki, S Matsumoto, Y Hashimoto, N Ozasa, S Kajiyama, M Fukui, S Imai
▪ Keyword : low-carbohydrate, high-carbohydrate, postprandial glucose, type 2 diabetes, healthy women
▪ Content : Background and Objectives: Our aim was to evaluate the acute effect of switching low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) to high-carbohydrate diet (HCD) on glycemic parameters in healthy women. Methods and Study De-sign: Twenty-two women (age 21.7±4.0 years; HbA1c 5.3±0.3 %, mean±SD) wore flash glucose monitoring system and consumed test meals for 3 days from Day 4 to 6. Participants consumed identical HCD meals ex-cept LCD dinner on Day 5. The energy ratio of carbohydrate, fat, and protein were 64%, 21%, and 15% for HCD and 47%, 35%, and 18% for Day 5 with LCD dinner (19%, 59%, and 22%).